We've received global recognition for our proprietary methodology that leverages state conservation covenant regulations and incorporates leading ecosystem management practices to fulfil the promises that underpin every Biological Diversity Unit and which are detailed in our Wilderlands Whitepaper.
A Biological Diversity Unit (BDU) represents the protection of one square metre of high strategic conservation value land. Each BDU comprises a unique and verified unit in respect of a defined area (georeferenced), that will be permanently protected and managed with an objective to maintain and enhance the integrity of its biological diversity.
A BDU can only be issued and assigned once. The assignment of a BDU comprises a claim to the protection of high strategic conservation value land, and a fixed term ecosystem services payment contract which supports maintenance and/or improvement in habitat condition over that fixed term.
Unlike compliance markets, BDUs are not designed as a direct offset for biodiversity or habitat loss. Rather, they are a mechanism to support net biodiversity gain and contribute towards the global 30x30 target.
Wilderlands aims to become a platform providing access to a range of projects owned and managed by various partners and providing a viable way for landowners to protect land as a profitable pathway.
When launching Wilderlands it was critical we found the perfect partner with experience working with covenants as well as a reputation for the highest quality conservation, and there was nobody better suited than Cassinia Environmental.
Since 2004, Cassinia has delivered more than 100 landscape scale projects across Australia, permanently protecting over 22,000 hectares of vulnerable habitat. Recently selected by the Victorian Government’s partner of choice for the BushBank project, they’re recognised as a leader in biodiversity protection and we’re proud to give individuals and organisations the opportunity to help support their work in protecting precious habitat.
Through the partnership Wilderlands gained access to four projects representing over 7.5 million square metres to protect and spread across Victoria, NSW, and South Australia.
Wilderlands works with landholders and conservation organisations to embed the methodology and management plans into action, with Lead Ecologist Deanna Marshall bringing over 25 years experience to help ensure monitoring and reporting is delivered through the year.
We recently followed Deanna to produce a mini-documentary detailing a day-in-the-life as she visited our Budgerum project with the Cassinia team and demonstrated a range of monitoring tools and technique used to gather baseline data on the overall health of the grassland, identify actions that will assist in improving the condition of the grassland and determine the prevalence of some of the threatened species across the property.
Watch the mini-documentary below and explore more in the article which provides a glimpse into techniques such as standardised bird surveys, spotlight surveys, line point transects, and the 'golf ball methodology for grasslands' which are all part of work delivered by the team.
Wilderlands have developed technology leveraging geographic information system (GIS) mapping software to unitise the impact of this conservation work into one square metre units, geotagged and certified and managed by an independent registry to ensure transparency and integrity.
Wilderlands has appointed Vegetation Link to provide independent registry services that are responsible for the generation and assignment of all Biological Diversity Units (BDUs) and the maintenance of records of assignments of BDUs to third parties.
Wilderlands have worked with a range of partners and bring units to market through multiple channels including our website, partnership and brokers.