
West Wyalong, New South Wales (Wiradjuri Country)




Land protected
Bird species protected
Threatened species protected

Located in the heart of the New South Wales’ Riverina, this four and a half thousand acre landscape is addressing the decline of the suite of birds dependent on intact woodland ecosystems for foraging and nesting. These once common woodland birds, such as the Dusky Woodswallow Artamus cyanopterus cyanopterus, are now found almost exclusively in small, scattered remnants of habitat on private land, within State Forests or Nature Reserves. 

Typical of many such farms within the region, the property was historically utilized for cropping and sheep grazing. The restoration of previously cleared land commenced in 2013 with the direct seeding of almost 850ha with local tree and shrub species.

Although Dusky Woodswallow and other threatened species also utilize whatever little habitat remains on private or public land, such remnants are unprotected and subject to further clearing and degradation. Consequently, conservation management strategies designed to halt the decline of woodland birds towards extinction include actions such as conserving remnant habitat on private land (preferably through in-perpetuity covenants), restoring degraded sites, preserving or establishing connectivity across the landscape, and expanding habitat through revegetation activities.  

Threatened Species

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The Challenges

  • Reversing the historic degradation and fragmentation of remnant vegetation;
  • Ensuring rare plants maintain their health and populations are able to expand;
  • Enhancing ecosystem function;
  • Improving genetic health of all species;
  • Increasing structural diversity of habitat, providing better habitat for more species;
  • Controlling threats to native biodiversity; namely foxes, rabbits, and noxious weeds;
  • Preserving fragile topsoil and mitigating soil erosion.

What we're doing

  • Reconnecting patches of threatened mallee-broombush woodlands through large-scale revegetation of native species;
  • Connecting remnant patches to enable movement of animals, especially small mammals, birds and reptiles, thus improving genetic health of currently isolated populations;
  • Retaining all standing and fallen trees and logs, preserving habitat (shelter and nesting) for an array of animals;
  • Native seed collection and nursery propagation for supplementary planting of rare plants;
  • Investigating and undertaking appropriate fire regimes, including fire intensity and intervals to improve ecosystem function;
  • Utilising integrated pest management in the control of foxes, rabbits, and noxious weeds that threaten environmental and adjoining farming values;
  • Coordinating with partners and neighbouring landholders in the control of foxes and rabbits.
  • Restricting vehicular traffic across the land to management and assessment purposes only, thus minimising tracks and preserving a soil crust that protects the land from erosion.
This map highlights one or more zones of the total project. We create multiple zones in each project to most effectively allocate Biological Diversity Units.
This project is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Other Projects

Victoria Riverina, Vic (Barababaraba Country)

Land protected


Bird species protected


Threatend species protected


In the heart of the Victorian Riverina, one of the most productive areas of agriculture in Australia and only 250 kilometres north of Melbourne, lies Budgerum, a farming district of flat, grassy plains alongside the Avoca River. Grassland communities are some of the most highly threatened ecosystems on the planet, with grassland reserves being reduced to small, fragmented patches across the landscape as land has been converted to agriculture. For this reason, protection of the remaining native grasslands across the Victorian Riverina is critical to the long-term survival of species that call this community their home. Examples of species dependent on these grassy ecosystems include the critically endangered Plains Wanderer and the nationally endangered Turnip Copperburr.

Meningie, South Australia (Ngarrindjeri Country)

Land protected


Bird species protected


Threatend species protected

Coorong Lakes

Located in Meningie in South Australia, this 200 hectare landscape is a project delivered in partnership with the Ngarrindjeri people, the Traditional Custodians of the Coorong. It sees native plants supplied by the local nursery at Raukkan, a self-governed Aboriginal community 30 km northwest of the site and many Raukkan community members employed for onsite work and delivering activities such as vegetation monitoring and mapping and fencing with a focus on ensuring these communities can continue to preserve and protect this culturally important pocket of land. 

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